Protesters challenged to listen
By Ondi Crino | Jan. 13, 2008In response to Friday's article, I would like to bring attention to Katherine Schinn's misrepresentations of Dr. Kevorkian's patients.
In response to Friday's article, I would like to bring attention to Katherine Schinn's misrepresentations of Dr. Kevorkian's patients.
I am writing to express my dissenting opinions from those expressed in Tuesday's editorial, "Over and Out." I am disappointed that it repeatedly blamed Andrew Meyer for all of the reactions to the Tasering incident. Yes, Meyer is responsible for actions at the Sen. John Kerry forum. However, he is not responsible for how UF administrators, students and the world responded to his actions. It is not his fault that the Kevorkian speech got moved to next semester. This is the responsibility of the community of which we are all a part. By attending this university, we are agreeing to support its policies.