Raising taxes won’t fix higher education
By JONATHAN LOTT | Apr. 15, 2009UF is going through a tough period. It's not exactly surprising: The economy is in the gutter, so Florida (along with everywhere else) is losing revenue.
UF is going through a tough period. It's not exactly surprising: The economy is in the gutter, so Florida (along with everywhere else) is losing revenue.
I have very mixed feelings about SG's proposed resolution in support of the DREAM Act.
While I am happy to see that our country is moving in a more progressive direction, I am sad that I cannot say the same about the University of Florida. Our good president Barack "The Messiah" Obama is steering the nation toward a much fairer, redistributive taxation and social program system which will take from the greedy rich bastards to provide for those who have fallen on harder times. Every single rich person in America, after all, "earned" his or her fortune by denying opportunities to the poor.
You've got to hand it to the pope. He can get away with saying stuff that would result in public crucifixion for anyone else.
Bipartisanship is a dream; a glorious fantasy thought up by politicians who wanted to turn the public against their opponents. In all practicality, it doesn't exist.
Has anyone actually read Gainesville Charter Amendment 1? Or more importantly, has anyone actually read the ordinance that it will affect?
Ah, Student Government election season.
A Gainesville teacher was arrested on Monday after he was found to be in possession of two loaded firearms - a small one in his pocket and a larger one in his car.
On Monday, Michelle Obama officially began exercising her power as first lady. Making the rounds, she toured federal agencies to praise them and make them feel like they, despite being government bureaucrats, are doing legitimate work.
President Barack Obama has been given a number of religious titles in the past year, ranging from "secular progressive" to "secret Muslim," yet all the while he has professed to be a Protestant Christian. Rather than delving into Obama's religion, let's start with an easier question: