Most scholarships already need-based
By Colleen Morrison | Sep. 14, 2009I know the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program is flawed, but under no circumstances should it become an entirely need-based program. What Kyle Robisch fails to realize is that basically all of the scholarships available for Florida students are need-based. I worked extremely hard in high school, and it paid off in the form of an extremely high SAT score, a 4.3 GPA, passing five out of six AP exams and becoming a sports captain. However, when it came to scholarships, I received a measly $500 after applying for about 20. The vast majority of scholarships have a need-based component. I don't see how my parent's salary has anything to do with how much I achieved in high school. If we make everything need-based, it will discourage students from doing well in school and push them to attend schools that are less scholastically renowned.