RL Grime brings the bass to Flavet Field on UF’s last day of classes
By Jackie DeFreitas | Apr. 25, 2019About 1,500 people attended
About 1,500 people attended
Merry Murderesses will soon take over the stage
Vloggling, but sexy
Lisa Pinero opens Tinder and looks through the profiles on her screen. After swiping through a few, she bores of the task. She closes the app, feeling her time was wasted.
Now you can stay downtown all night
Six hours of music you can’t miss
How art can help students cope
Which portrayal reigns supreme?
Learn about sea turtles and red tide over a beer
UF Alumna Hanna Lewis displays art for all sizes
In honor of Game of Thrones return for its last season, Vogue released a Instagram photo of the "GOT" characters and the signs that corresponds to them. Here’s a possible explanation for each pick and additional zodiac match ups for other characters.
they will take their talents to South Beach
At least 2,000 people are expected to attend the free event
Local duo King Complex discusses new single
There’s more to “yes means yes”
Only adults are welcome at the Hardback Cafe tonight. The audience should be ready for a show that combines hilarity with sexuality, while redefining traditional femininity.
Aries: “Overdue”
“Us,” Jordan Peele’s new horror film, is sure to leave you in awe. Generating $70 million, “Us” is definitely one of 2019’s best films.
Alachua County has a chance in the spotlight