Bill of rights forces tow companies in line
By the Editorial Board | Oct. 17, 2007There's a new bill of rights in town.
There's a new bill of rights in town.
Over the past few days, the Alligator has featured columns about virginity - virginity in terms of sex and adulthood. Let's address birth control. Let's discuss specifics of the pre-nasty. There's no virginal talk in this column.
New ticket system needed
The Pro-Life Alliance demonstrated Monday its belief that the "life" of the fetus matters more than the life of a woman.
I've never been afraid of any place I've lived like I'm scared of Gainesville. Every time I am on the streets, I keep my guard up and my senses sharp, wary of an unstoppable monster striking me down in the prime of my life.
Nearly two months after Gainesville banished panhandling, I'm giving a D-minus to Gainesville's "Give a Better Way!" program for refurbishing old parking meters into collection stations.
The policy panel formed to discuss appropriate police practices after the Andrew Meyer Tasering incident is an absolute travesty.
While I appreciate his interest in the Student Senate, Will Foster has managed to latch on to one phrase while entirely missing the point of Shannyn Schott's letter.
UF wants your digits.
Shannyn Schott, an alumna who should have been labeled as such, should spend more time reading the Alligator and less time venting about "liberal bias." When did supporting school vouchers, limiting affirmative action and advocating for higher SAT and grade point average requirements (instead of need-based testing) for Bright Futures become causes célèbres among liberals? Never. Schott is either to the right of Genghis Khan or doesn't understand the political spectrum.
I read Vincent Massaro's Monday column, and it pretty much made me ashamed for my generation. How does a senior get off with never having a committed job or any real-life experience? I applaud his late but much-needed realization that he should grow up. However, I'm disgusted that anyone could be this lazy.
The donation meters set up to raise money for the Alachua County Coalition for the Homeless and Hungry have failed.
You can't spell "disgusting" without SDS.
Let's talk about virginity.
In case you didn't realize, climate change is a pretty big deal. So big a deal that Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize for his work to raise awareness about global warming. He shares the prize with the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
I am writing this message as a member of the search committee for the dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. We would like to invite you to an open forum Oct. 17 at Library East in Room 1A from 10 to 11 a.m. to solicit your ideas and opinions on this search.
I read Colleen Shea's column Friday, and she wrote about how she is a college sophomore and still a virgin. So what? Still having your V-card is not something to be ashamed about. I just got married this summer. I was a virgin until my wedding night.
Remember the time when you wanted Subway, but you didn't have any cash on you, so you starved? I do. Thankfully, Kevin Reilly changed that with "tangible results," and now Gators can use their credit and debit cards on campus. And didn't you give Student Government a LAUREL for their "tangible results" when it installed more blue lights on campus? Do you know who the chairwoman of that committee was? Kellie Dale. While her friends were out having fun, she was doing walk-throughs on campus with the University Police Department.