Reality television not all that bad
By Ryan Winkler | Nov. 4, 2007I've noticed recent Alligators have had letters concerning reality television, namely the show "A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila."
I've noticed recent Alligators have had letters concerning reality television, namely the show "A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila."
My husband and I wish to express our gratitude to all of the sororities that participated in the "Ghouls, Goblins, and Greeks" event on Halloween. All of the girls were so caring and wonderful with our kids, and the effort spent decorating the houses, making costumes and creating games for the kids' enjoyment was so appreciated by our family. Our children, who are ages 3 and 1, had a fantastic time, and we all hope to participate again next year. Thank you again for the wonderful Halloween experience.
Ah, Homecoming weekend. The grills are lit, the RVs are parked, the beer is on ice. We'd be lying if we said we don't enjoy it. Even though Archer Road is more packed than a tin of sardines and our favorite bars are at capacity, we wouldn't trade this three-day weekend for anything.
These past few weeks I have seen continuous negative coverage by the Alligator editorial board wantonly slamming whole groups of students, namely Greeks and SG, for mostly negligible offenses.
I don't know about you, but spending a semester abroad is something I've been thinking about doing since arriving at UF.
I don't understand some people's view of "freedom of speech." It is evident to me that people who publicly violate the law during peaceful, political discourse are met with praise rather than scorn.
The Alligator editorial board should give credit where credit is due. When our Student Government leaders got library hours extended for finals, the editorial board decried SG for not doing more.
This is in reference to the announcement that sport and fitness classes will be dramatically cut.
Graduate teaching assistants. They make up one of the most underpaid and overworked groups at the university. And now, instead of paying all their fees at the beginning of the semester, they want them deducted from their paychecks over the course of the semester, or even worse - done away with completely.
In response to "MTV reality show a disgrace to society," society's problem isn't promiscuous sex. "A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila" is cheap, disgusting entertainment - there is no disputing that. But the reason prime-time television is filled with such garbage is because people keep tuning in. Society's real disgraces are the people who tune in to such mindless drivel while the world is bleeding and crying out to be heard.
Yesterday I was worried that I wouldn't have time to buy a Gator Growl ticket before the show Friday. Between my work schedule and classes, I just wasn't sure I would have time to pick up a ticket while I was on campus.
Who's in the know about nooses in the news? Probably fewer people than the number who know about Britney Spears and Tasers.
So Student Government got Library West to extend its hours during exam week - one of the Gator Party's platform goals for this year, which party members will surely pat themselves on the back for and tout as a "tangible result."
While we may not agree with what Meyer said during the events of Sept. 17 we should, as Voltaire said, "defend to the death" his right to say it.
For this week, I'm adding a little holiday twist to my work - for Halloween, not Homecoming. Vincent Massaro, the Monday columnist, might disagree, but I've seen some strange happenings around Gainesville over the past few days, things that might have something to do with the supernatural themes Oct. 31 entails.
Student Government was pleased to note on Monday that the Alligator is anticipating the global positioning system improvements for Regional Transit System just as much as we are. However, with such a focus on the timeline and cost of implementing GPS on RTS, students still don't know how much they will benefit from these improvements. SG is sure this is a huge step for a system that students interact with on such a regular basis, and will help all Gainesville residents better control their travel and their time.
No, there's not a Victoria's Secret show downtown tonight. It's Halloween, arguably college students' favorite holiday. Drink specials abound, costume contests bring out the best - or worst - in everyone, and of course, our favorite part: half-off candy tomorrow.
I am writing to express my dissenting opinions from those expressed in Tuesday's editorial, "Over and Out." I am disappointed that it repeatedly blamed Andrew Meyer for all of the reactions to the Tasering incident. Yes, Meyer is responsible for actions at the Sen. John Kerry forum. However, he is not responsible for how UF administrators, students and the world responded to his actions. It is not his fault that the Kevorkian speech got moved to next semester. This is the responsibility of the community of which we are all a part. By attending this university, we are agreeing to support its policies.
Marijuana will be decriminalized before 2015. When that day arrives, be prepared for exactly nothing horrible to happen. Your children won't be murdered at gunpoint. Your liquor store won't be robbed. There will, however, be some bitchin' parties.
To the UF community and The Gator Nation the world over,