Tebow deserves Heisman this year
By Aaron Gillego | Nov. 26, 2007As a 'Cane, it may seem sacrilegious for me to support a Gator, but in a Heisman field that is wide open, the climate allows for exceptions - and for history - to be made.
As a 'Cane, it may seem sacrilegious for me to support a Gator, but in a Heisman field that is wide open, the climate allows for exceptions - and for history - to be made.
I am writing in response to Skeet Surrency's letter to the editor, "Protesters' actions were merited." I was there when the protesters began their theatrics. I felt like I was watching a 16-car pileup on the Turnpike. Before the students so courageously began protesting in front of a sympathetic audience, nearly everyone in the room laughed at former U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. He would pay lip service to human rights and the U.S. Constitution, and everyone would be in stitches.
Dear pretty girls who wear big sunglasses,
He's won an Emmy, an Oscar, a Nobel Peace Prize and, to most voters, the presidency. Monday, Al Gore finally stood in the Oval Office for the first time in six years.
While I don't agree with the way some of the audience members conducted themselves at Gonzales' speech, the disruptive behavior of the protesters pales in comparison with Gonzales' actions as White House counsel and U.S. attorney general. Gonzales denied the writ of habeas corpus, authorized illegal, warrantless wiretapping, and lied to Congress about firing U.S. attorneys before ultimately resigning after losing the confidence of Congress members from both parties.
Tell your little brothers and sisters to put down their cell phones and give their thumbs a break - at least while driving. Two Florida legislators want to ban minors from txting while driving. WTF doesn't that include every1?
The end of the semester is always the saddest time of year. It's hard to impress a date when your checking account is drier than Barbara Walters' skin. Nowadays, we also have to be multicultural to maintain a relationship.
I'm writing in response to Stephanie Rosenberg's Tuesday column. I have been to many sporting events by not buying tickets from the box office, and I have sold tickets for more than face value.
Between shrinking budgets and growing costs, it seems every family, business and state is trying to make ends meet. The same holds true at UF.
In regards to the protests surrounding former U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' speech at UF, I have a few important observations to make. As a participant in the protests, I can assure you we take the First Amendment right of freedom of speech very seriously. For the purpose of protecting both Mr. Gonzales' and our First Amendment rights, we unanimously decided our protests should be visual, not vocal.
I've always been worried about having hypochondria.
The phrase made famous by UF telecommunication senior Andrew Meyer has made its way so deep into the American lexicon that it has earned an entry in one of the most prestigious dictionaries.
After attending Alberto Gonzales' speech, I have never been so ashamed and embarrassed to attend UF. I simply cannot believe people are so disrespectful and rude to someone who has devoted his life to serving our country.
We're starving. The thought of eating another meal out of a box, bag or can is enough to make out stomachs turn. So we're holding out for the gluttonous pleasure that is epitomized in the Thanksgiving meal.
For the first time since I have been at UF, I was embarrassed to be a Gator on Monday night. The treatment of Mr. Gonzales was completely devoid of class, professionalism and common decency.
As you sit down tomorrow to enjoy your turkey dinner, surrounded by smiling family members and with the prospect of pie in the not-so-distant future, people in Japan will be sitting down to a plateful of … whale.
With one day before break, we have a lot to be thankful for. But with Monday's speech, one thing that is fairly low-key tops my list.
In Monday's "Fashion" Alligator Rants, "frat guys who wear Guy Harvey shirts" were chastised for wearing the artists's apparel simply because "Gainesville doesn't have any good places to fish for swordfish." As a longtime supporter of Mr. Harvey's artwork and marine preservation efforts, I'm a little baffled.
Ah, Thanksgiving. I'm thankful for the holiday you can't screw up. There's no need to fret about finding the perfect gift for your mom or someone hot to kiss at midnight. It's socially acceptable to eat so much pie that you can't get up from the table. Here's what I'm thankful this year:
I want to apologize. There's been something eating away at me, and I have to get it off my chest.