New ticket system not an improvement
Oct. 14, 2008Daniel Milian, 4EG
Daniel Milian, 4EG
Buck McMullen, Vietnam Veteran Against McCain/For Barack Obama
Robert Bradfield, 4JM
Ann Brosius Gainesville resident, SG election poll worker
It looks like we're finally going to get our chance to figure out what we're going to be doing with the rest of our lives. Courtesy of Student Government and the Career Resource Center, we will be treated to the first ever UF Majors Fair.
By a show of hands: Did anyone consume on Saturday before the LSU game? You know what we mean (Sorry Big Machen).
For those of you who haven't read it already, pick up a copy of George Orwell's "1984." It holds some remarkable insight into the workings of the mind of man when it comes to political and even religious allegiance. The two most important terms in there are "doublespeak" and "doublethink."
For all its scenic beauty, the Golden Gate Bridge still needs a makeover - and a grim one, at that.
The Editorial Board has seen its share of divorces. No, not personally, but we've lived through our parents' separations or seen dozens of our friends trudge through it.
The sky is falling, and I really don't know where to turn.
Nearly 10 years ago, the Alligator printed a guest column of mine about Student Government teaching me all I needed to know in life. It was my attempt to author a scathing indictment of the corruption and shortsighted nepotism of SG back in my days at UF.
For starters, we'd like to give UF's Human Decency Now organization a thank-you-for-rationally-addressing-a-potentially-volatile-situation LAUREL.
I've been hearing it for quite some time now.
I am extremely disappointed in the quality of the Alligator this year.
The Editorial Board could not believe its collective eyes.
It only took hours to work out the bailouts of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - a deal that increased the national debt by $5 trillion. You, me and our unborn children now owe the world's lenders our own little piece of a $14 trillion debt, give or take a couple hundred billion. Here is the kicker: We didn't borrow a dime.
In response to Chairman Bryan Griffin's red-baiting comment that he doesn't want any "crazy socialist hippies" to control UF's money: Those are just the kind of people I trust with my money. Just look at what the greedy, free-market-loving capitalists did with it on Wall Street.
Who is Joe Six-Pack? It's a question I've been mulling over ever since the term came up in last week's vice presidential debate. It's pretty clear what image the phrase is supposed to conjure up in the American psyche: He's the average Joe, the hardworking member of the middle class who kicks back with a beer after a long day of work.
The Editorial Board is simply amazed by the amount of absurdities that arose from the first day of the Student Government election.