FOX News ascends from media gutter
Jan. 25, 2009Within a time frame of three days last week, President Barack Obama symbolically undid many of '43's more controversial policies.
Within a time frame of three days last week, President Barack Obama symbolically undid many of '43's more controversial policies.
The Editorial Board knows a little something about junk food.
In a letter to the editor last January, I expressed concern over UF's decision to use Mobile Campus to provide emergency text messages.
My day starts at 11 a.m. when I roll out of bed. Some days I'll head to the gym, others I won't. I occasionally go to class. But the one constant in my life - aside from Leo's rolls - is the Alligator.
I have no idea what dictionary Johnathan Lott is using to look up words, but his attempts to read "socialist" policies into Obama's inauguration speech were comical.
I first realized I was a technology-lover when I witnessed the power of Google. No more encyclopedias, books or effort for me, I thought. This six-letter word is going to make the rest of high school a piece of cake.
With the spring semester already in full swing, Monday's holiday honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. couldn't have come at a better time.
The spring election is almost upon us, and with it comes the usual flurry of campaigning and advertising for all political parties involved.
After a whirlwind evening rubbing elbows with the likes of Beyonce and Shakira, the Editorial Board wouldn't have faulted President Barack Obama for taking a breather on Wednesday.
Today marks the 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade - the Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal nationally.
Remember when the biggest televised event of the year was the Super Bowl? How about the World Series? Or even the premiere of Survivor?
There's no denying the Editorial Board's indelible adulation for our very own Superman, but we are just down right giddy about the new first lady.
One of my hobbies is blogging. Yep, I'm one of those people.
A string of bizarre alcohol-related incidents in Gainesville gives new meaning to "turning to the bottle" during harsh times.
Swarming the National Mall en masse before sunrise, witnesses to history were not deterred by blistering winds and freezing temperatures.
While attending balls and luncheons highlighted just part of a full schedule for the new administration, carrying moving boxes did not.
This past weekend I decided for a bit of variety I'd visit a much-hyped restaurant in Gainesville called The Top. I'd heard good and bad things about the place, but I wanted to decide for myself. It was a very cold Friday night, and I was told the wait would be an hour. OK, I thought, this better be worth it.
I may only be one of the simple folk, but I fail to see how the underage prohibition ordinance being considered by the Gainesville City Commission presents substantial savings, if any at all.
Less than a week after Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday, Barack Obama will take an oath for the highest office in the land. He will do so surrounded by family and friends, members of our government and anywhere from 3 million to 5 million onlookers - all bystanders to one of history's momentous junctures.
With President Barack Obama set to make history this afternoon, the Editorial Board can't help but offer a word of caution as excitement over his presidency reaches epic proportions.