Column demonstrates misuse of ‘illegal’
By Raul Baca | Apr. 12, 2009Even though I agree with Johnathan Lott's column about the DREAM Act, I have to dispute his use of the term "illegal."
Even though I agree with Johnathan Lott's column about the DREAM Act, I have to dispute his use of the term "illegal."
Florida's legislators are wrestling with an unprecedented decline in general revenues. While some talk about embracing Indian gaming as part of a solution, there's a much higher-stakes game in play - a game that risks the future of Florida by dismantling badly needed state programs, including public higher education.
After getting up close and personal with chilly weather more akin to Northern New Jersey, the Department of Darts & Laurels assures you sunshine and warmth is here to stay. While North Central Florida's innumerable outdoor activities can be paired better with grain alcohol than late-night falafel and that dude who used to write "White Dade," we urge you to proceed with caution.
Well, America sure has been great for these past two centuries.
Last week, I came to an unexpected realization: I am a superstitious tool. I've always dismissed superstition as worthless and irrelevant, and now I'm as guilty as morons who still have rabbits' feet dangling from their key chains.
A recent survery showed that President Bernie Machen has the eighth highest salary of all public-school executives. While Machen has been doing the admirable thing with the budget cuts (he raised employees salaries by an average of 2 percent and denied himself a raise), there is more that should be done.
Kate Cardinale is right about one thing. Abortions are extremely common in the United States.
As UF faces the daunting prospects of massive budget cuts, Alachua County's own financial crisis has ballooned to a projected $12 million deficit.
I would like to point out that using the "Harvest of Fear" video as the sole determinant of one's position on genetically modified (GM) crops is to be misled. Those familiar with the movie know that its directors resort to scare tactics and doomsday music, which attempt to simplify the complex issue of genetically modified organisms. Surely, interviewing organizations like Green Peace (who believe agribusinesses are conspiring a world takeover of GM seed production) on GM foods is enough to freak out the average American.
I disagree with Tommy Maple's column that addresses how the increased tax on cigarettes is wrong.
I have very mixed feelings about SG's proposed resolution in support of the DREAM Act.
Free from the risks of bone-crushing shark bites and devastating sunburns, the latest surfing sensation sweeping the world has less board and more couch.
Health insurance companies are scared shitless.
From channeling his inner stoner in "Harold and Kumar" to portraying a doctor on "House," Kal Penn has displayed an ability to play a wide array of different personalities throughout his career.
Chris Brown catapulted to the highest heights of fame at the age of 16 for having "the dance moves of Usher and a voice all his own." Three years later, he was charged for domestic violence against long-time girlfriend and fellow R&B singer Rihanna, to which he pleaded not guilty.
Starting Sept. 1, the state of Vermont will legally recognize same-sex marriages, thanks to legislative action, rather than a court ruling.
In my opinion, the impending budget cuts show what each department and the university values. Here is a recent example of misplaced values.
Johnathan Lott ought to get his facts straight before trying to be cute. UF does have a grade redistribution system. It is called curving grades, which literally means you force grades in to a normal distribution; they are fit to the bell curve. Many of the university's most commended students would fail out if they were graded merely on their raw percentage scores rather than on a curve.
News of inflammatory graffiti on the side of a UF fraternity house has the Editorial Board dismayed by such thoughtless actions that only serve to oppress and spread ill will.
With final exams and projects looming on the horizon, the Editorial Board would like to take the opportunity to encourage you to consume massive amounts of coffee and don't stop.