Invisible Children looks to aid children of Ugandan civil war
By Stacey Nelson | May 11, 2009"In the name of love… Oprah come and rescue us."
"In the name of love… Oprah come and rescue us."
While the mean streets of Gainesville often provide for hilarity in terms of criminal hijinks, the true epicenter of absurdity running rampant resides just a bit down the road.
Well, it seems the Alligator is once again on an all Kool-Aid diet. Nothing else would explain the 600-word fellating this paper gave Tim Tebow on Tuesday. See, I like to think most people in the communications field are bright enough to notice a PR move when they see one.
She's never even heard of YouTube, but the video of Susan Boyle's performance on the talent show "Britain's Got Talent" has set the record for the number of views in a week - and it shows no sign of stopping any time soon.
Hell, you think you're ready for this semester to be over? Just sneak a peek inside the Alligator newsroom, with moving boxes abound - except, of course, for our trusty junk-food drawers (Kit-Kats on the reg) which will remain fully stocked until the Appliance Direct lady sings.
England. It is a country I've always had a soft spot for - I consider myself something of an Anglophile, and when I was younger, I always wanted to move there.
For the typical all-world quarterback, the spoils of gridiron war often include a proverbial "get out of jail free" card - turning college towns across the country into their own personal camps run-amok.
Conservative voices in government and in the media seem to be convinced that President Barack Obama's foreign policy stance is decidedly pansy. Bowing to the Saudis, shaking hands with Chavez and agreeing with European leaders has cemented Republican opinion that Barack is a sissy on the world stage.
I found the title of Friday's opinion column titled "Bitter Teabaggers Ignored President's Package, Tax Cuts" to be very ironic. Jake Miller does make an extremely valid point about the frightening number of people ignoring the real implications of the president's package and tax cuts.
Providing a quality tutoring service to all the students at UF is important, and I don't think anyone would disagree that it is a great idea for Student Government to promote tutoring; however, SG is supporting the wrong establishment.
One decade ago today, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold challenged the idyllic ideology of Americana, awakening a generation caught sleepwalking through the throes of life.
Bernie Machen is running the University of Florida into the ground.
After a semester of suburbia-suffering teens pulling pranks on unsuspecting Taco Bell employees to a tree shaped in the likeness of resident demigod Tim "Have you seen his girlfriend?" Tebow, the Department of Darts & Laurels refuses to believe it's time to bid you Freddy Adu.
Dear Anonymous,
With Earth Day approaching, some people may be advocating against unnatural forms of crop production, but consumers need to realize that even organic farming utilizes insecticides.
By majoring in a field that places a heavy emphasis on the proper use of language and simultaneously being a since-birth member of Generation Y, Z, XXX or whatever the hell we're called, I'm caught between a rock and a hard place. Everywhere I hear people horrendously butchering the language I've spent the last 20-odd years trying to understand.
Wednesday was Tax Day in America. Like many of my collegiate peers, I paid very little in taxes. In fact, my parents still claim me as a tax deduction, which means that my very existence produces red ink for Uncle Sam. This may be a satisfying fact to remember as I watch the mailman pick his nose, but it hardly qualifies me to preach the virtues of taxation. In reality, I am almost completely divorced from the modern American reality of paying taxes.
Dear Jordan Johnson, aka student body president-elect:
UF is going through a tough period. It's not exactly surprising: The economy is in the gutter, so Florida (along with everywhere else) is losing revenue.