Floridians need Amendment 2 Info
June 2, 2014The University of Florida’s latest education venture, UF Online, may have some formidable competition: Cannabis University of Florida.
The University of Florida’s latest education venture, UF Online, may have some formidable competition: Cannabis University of Florida.
Yet another mass shooting in the U.S. has left seven dead and the country deeply disturbed by the alleged killer’s motives.
Yesterday, the Chicago Tribune published a compelling editorial defending Common Core, a set of proposed educational standards for U.S. students that was met first with overwhelming support and then with vitriol.
In a perfect world, more businesses would be operated in a worker-owner co-op fashion.
Summer is coming, and you could spend it any old boring way — loafing around your hometown, toiling away in Summer classes, working your butt off at an internship or backpacking through Europe on a cliched mission for self discovery.
The in-state tuition bill that has received support from both Florida Republicans and Democrats hit a major roadblock Thursday night. Sen. Joe Negron, the senate budget chairman, said he would not add it to the agenda of the final meeting of the Senate appropriations committee. Negron’s move was backed by Senate President Don Gaetz.
The New York Times investigation published Wednesday reopened the discussion of the sexual assault allegations filed against Florida State University football’s crown jewel, Jameis Winston.
Listen up, Gainesville dog owners: It’s time to cut the s**t.
On Saturday night, an Orlando woman was mauled in her driveway by a black bear. In the past few days, five bears have been killed by wildlife officials in search of the bear that initiated the attack, the Orlando Sentinel reported.
The Florida House passed an insane new bill regarding guns and riots last week, prompting Cliff Schecter of the Daily Beast to say, “you could call Florida the Grand Ole Opry of gun nuttery.”
Today is National Alcohol Screening Day, and more than 600 colleges in the U.S. will be holding free alcohol screenings on their campuses to help students identify any problems they may have with alcohol abuse. It’s a fantastic idea; after all, nearly 2,000 Americans ages 18 to 24 die each year from alcohol-related injuries. The annual screenings are hosted by a nonprofit called Screening for Mental Health, which advocates mental-health and substance-abuse resources to be made readily available to those who need it.
The debate about whether e-cigarettes should be sold to minors in Florida is, as one might guess, a love story between Big Tobacco and a lucrative market: teens with money to burn.
As the November gubernatorial election looms on Florida’s horizon, the Rick Scott and Charlie Crist camps are neck and neck in the polls. However, a Voter Survey Service poll commissioned by the Sunshine State News released Monday revealed Scott has pulled slightly ahead of Crist. As it stands, Scott leads with a 45-percent poll ranking, and Crist is lagging at 44 percent.
As we reported Wednesday, students have noticed a sudden influx of emails from a website called ClusterFlunk advertising networking services. Although junk email plagues everyone, Webmail’s spam filter usually catches them. However, as in this case, messages occasionally trickle through, reminding us that personal data — such as students’ university email addresses — are public knowledge.
Jake Rush caught the attention of websites like Gawker when reports surfaced of the Alachua Republican lawyer’s involvement with live-action role-playing games. During his undergraduate years at UF, Rush was part of The Camarilla, the UF chapter of an international gaming society. Around 2009, under the name of his gaming alter ego Chazz Darling, Rush posted messages in a gaming forum with violent and sexual threats, according to Gawker.
April Fools’ Day is seriously tempting for college newspapers. So many raunchy jokes we could make! So many university officials we could roast! So many punny headlines — more than usual!
Florida Blue Key announced Sunday it’s breaking with the 82-year tradition of holding Gator Growl in Ben Hill Griffin Stadium. This October, the pep rally/concert/comedy show will take place on Flavet Field.
Florida has been a popular destination for film producers for decades. From “Girl Happy,” a 1965 film starring Elvis Presley shot in Fort Lauderdale, to “Miami Vice” and then “Burn Notice,” our East Coast beaches are attractive options.
As we’ve seen — especially since the infamous George Zimmerman court ruling — court cases concerning the Stand Your Ground law tend to draw a considerable amount of media attention. One Florida lawmaker is determined to change that.