Girls Get in Free: But at What Cost?
Oct. 9, 2018There's an expectation that when girls get in for free, they'll provide the entertainment
There's an expectation that when girls get in for free, they'll provide the entertainment
How does one navigate a friendship where the in-person and digital relationships are different?
How you can help feed hungry people
Even on a campus as large as UF's, it's easy to be lonely.
Prepare for the mid-semester crunch with these tips
You don't have to travel the world to make a difference.
There's a link between Senate President and Student Body President
Music is more than just playing an artist's work.
Be dressed properly for the stormy weather
Call me crazy, but I believe society would function best for all parties involved if we could all speak a common language.
We need to look out for people who aren't just our friends.
If student life is a garden, our time is the soil in which our college experience grows.
There is a severe drinking problem amongst high school and college students nationwide.
One of the more amusing parts of this election season was writing my columns as if nothing was going on (since it would be more, or less, improper to use my column as a platform for self-promotion). But now, elections are over, so I can talk about them.
Despite our love for them, our favorite shows have serious issues.
The Reitz Union is named after a homophobic, racist man
Let's treat our Instagram captions with care
Gainesville’s desire for corporate money is revoking our local individual’s ability to make their impact on the city
When you vote in November, don't forget local elections.
The campus libraries aren't the only places to study