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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Opinion | Columns

Florida Alligator

Personal responsibility is the solution

I am tired of a lack of personal responsibility in America. It is never my fault. It's always the person standing next to me. There are thousands of people around the world angry at the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans, saying everyone's troubles will be solved if we just tax them more and spread the wealth around. The 99 percent does more to keep itself stuck in that category than the 1 percent ever could. Instead of focusing attention on how much better (you think) our lives would be if only we could hit Billy Donovan and Will Muschamp with 90-percent tax rates, we should focus instead on what we can do with personal finance and consumer decisions that empower us, the 99 percent.

Florida Alligator

For society's sake, embrace your inner skeptic

While I have tried religion in the past, something has always led me away from faith and toward reason. I found the burden of proof is not on the atheists to prove that God does not exist; it is on the theists to prove the existence of a deity. I just have not been presented with any convincing evidence.

Florida Alligator

Expansion talk must end before it begins

The most dangerous part of the increased cost of attendance at UF is coming from fees that are carelessly foisted on the Student Body and even more carelessly spent on our behalf. There is talk that our fees should go to a renovated and expanded Reitz Union. This talk must end before it begins again.

Florida Alligator

City ordinances too strict for development

We are often implored to look local after graduation to find employment. Gainesville has an entrepreneurial culture and is trying to become a center for start-ups, especially in the tech industry. Unfortunately, the policies of the local government will be sure to stunt Gainesville's growth for the foreseeable future. Gainesville is obsessed with collecting large tax revenues, regulating everything and taking profits from brick-and-mortar businesses to give to imaginary ones.

Florida Alligator

Free market health care not a bad thing

Why is health care so dang expensive? It concerns me to see that the default solution to any problem is more government regulation. Congress seems to love passing more laws, but it never thinks that maybe its mountains of legislation are the source of the problem.

Florida Alligator

Planning for retirement should start now

After talking to people in my classes, I find that few know very much about something called a 401(k). How we use it will determine who among us are millionaires at retirement and who will live in poverty. Our grandparents got pensions and worked for the same employer for 30 years. We will be given the option to use one of the most powerful financial tools ever created for retirement, but some will succeed wildly and some will fail miserably. When you go out and get a job after graduation, funding a 401(k) should be near the top of your priority list.

Florida Alligator

People don't take sexual harassment seriously

Two weeks ago, I wrote a column about Herman Cain. My point was simple: Cain is not really a viable contender. We all know it, and humoring another GOP sideshow is just allowing for more eccentric antics that distract from what should be a serious discussion about the person who will likely become the next president of the U.S.

Florida Alligator

Arab women's rights movement needs support

A longing for political liberty has fueled many of the recent uprisings in Arab and North African countries. First the efforts of protesters in Tunisia to oust President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali caused a massive chain reaction. Neighboring countries gazed at the willful power of their peers across the border and quickly developed their own anti-government demonstrations. Not long after, government opposition from other countries, including non-Arab countries, began to show their faces through similar protests. In particular, a resonating voice screamed across the world: If Tunisia can do it, so can we. Social media echoed this spirit via audio and video clips and live on our computers, televisions and cellphones.

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