Orange and Blue platform focuses on 'Rally in Tally'
By CHELSEA KEENAN | Feb. 16, 2009The Orange and Blue Party released its platform online Monday night. It addresses eight themes, including sustainability, free printing and transportation.
The Orange and Blue Party released its platform online Monday night. It addresses eight themes, including sustainability, free printing and transportation.
The life of UF student Shannon Kane, 22, was cut short early Monday morning in a traffic accident on I-75 involving eight vehicles in north Marion County, south of Gainesville.
The Unite Party posted its platform online Monday night.
The University Police Department handed out 127 written warnings and citations Wednesday for crosswalk violations.
When St. Thomas Aquinas senior Lauren Sharifi couldn't see if she had been accepted to UF on Friday because the online system was jammed, she, like many others, resorted to Facebook.
While most people looked for a properly waxed date on Feb. 14, others found a valentine with a little extra fur.
Despite recent cuts to UF's budget, some programs will continue to flourish.
UF President Bernie Machen got some pre-Valentine's Day love Friday morning from a student group seeking to recognize him for his environmental efforts at UF.
UF alumna Lorin Maurer was one of 49 who died aboard Continental Connection Flight 3407 when it crashed into a home near Buffalo, N.Y., Thursday night.
Candidates running on the executive ticket showcased their platform ideas during a debate Sunday night in front of about 200 students, as the Feb. 24 and 25 Student Government elections loom closer.
Although UF administrators and Student Government big shots are usually concerned with budget cuts and solving problems that come while running the university, come Saturday the only thing on their minds will be love.
President Abraham Lincoln was spotted celebrating his 200th birthday on campus yesterday in Turlington Plaza.
Students spoke, and the Department of Housing and Residence Education listened.
Those missing an ex on Valentine's Day should remember that the source of their pain might not be love, but dopamine.
About 90 people packed into Pugh Hall on Thursday night to hear three former U.S. ambassadors speak on America's foreign policies and what changes President Barack Obama's administration might bring.
Tavis Smiley urged UF students to find their calling during his speech Thursday night.
The week before Student Government elections, candidates running on the executive ticket will have the chance to prove their credentials in a series of public debates.
UF President Bernie Machen's salary may be lowered if the U.S. Treasury Department extends its new guidelines to university presidents. On Feb. 4, the department tried to cap top executives' salaries at some companies to $500,000 in order to ameliorate the nation's financial crisis, according to a Chronicle of Higher Education article released last week.
Though the $75,000 salary of state Sen. Mike Haridopolos, hired last spring as a lecturer at UF, drew criticism because it eclipsed most others in the political science department, it turns out UF approached him in the fall about teaching a seminar, which would have bumped his salary even higher.
The Progress Party was not disqualified Wednesday night by Student Government's Elections Commission, but they will have to dish out $80.