ESPN reporter discusses parents' push for athletics
By ALISON SCHWARTZ | Oct. 18, 2009ESPN correspondent and UF graduate Tom Farrey discussed athletic potential and childhood at the Reitz Friday afternoon.
ESPN correspondent and UF graduate Tom Farrey discussed athletic potential and childhood at the Reitz Friday afternoon.
Students and alumni may have sat on opposite sides of the field at Ben Hill Griffin Stadium Friday night, but Gator Growl's skits and performances brought the crowd of about 35,000 together.
Nearly 500 people stood in line on the first floor of the UF Bookstore to meet Scott Michael Foster and Amber Stevens, stars of the ABC Family show "Greek" Friday.
Two stars from ABC Family's 'Greek' will promote a volunteer campaign at Homecoming.
Gator Growl acts reflect on performing to the massive stadium crowd.
A local photographer will shoot topless women to raise money for breast cancer.
When it comes to communicating with its students, UF is all a-Twitter.
A little rain didn't ruin this rally.
Gator Growl begins setting up $1.1 million show
Many of UF's graduate assistants will be getting a raise this year and next.
Senators discussed a bill Tuesday night that would double the administrative fee Student Government pays to UF.
Tucked between the Essequibo River and Colombia, resting atop the overshadowing Latin American country of Brazil, lays Venezuela, a country Carles Muntaner has been keeping an eye on for the past 10 years.
UF has moved forward with plans to build a new research center at Lake Nona.
The blanket with sleeves, the Snuggie, could be yours for free.
About 160,000 gallons of water flooded Riker Hall on Saturday after a sprinkler pipe was broken on the third floor, according to a statement released by Riker Hall staff.
Supporters and opponents around the world were shocked to hear President Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize Friday. Even the president seemed caught off guard.
UF researchers have made a breakthrough in gene therapy, which they hope will help reduce Parkinson's disease symptoms.
The Hub's extended hours may have gone into effect last week, but the study party continues tonight with giveaways from Starbucks and Gator Dining.
With new senators installed and the Unite Party maintaining the majority of the Student Senate, leaders of both minority parties have said their work for the semester is just beginning.