Student makes eco-friendly clothing line
Feb. 16, 2010For Lance Griffin, a theater senior at UF, shopping for eco-friendly clothes was too much of a hassle.
For Lance Griffin, a theater senior at UF, shopping for eco-friendly clothes was too much of a hassle.
A Mars rover model, robots and bowls of ice cream chilled with liquid nitrogen were some of the exhibits at the Engineering and Science Fair, known as the E-Fair, Monday and Tuesday.
About 20 students put on their poker faces and danced to Lady Gaga in Turlington Plaza Tuesday afternoon.
When four UF professors walked to the front of room 109 in Little Hall, they didn’t start lecturing.
Dressed in cheerleading outfits bearing their letters, members of UF's Greek community strutted their stuff Monday in the second annual Beta Bring It On philanthropy event sponsored by Beta Theta Pi.
The revamped food stores on the ground floor of the Reitz Union did not come cheap.
Warning: The full-sized photograph accompanying this story contains graphic imagery.
A war of words between the Unite Party and the Student Alliance party is already underway even though students have a week to wait before Student Government elections.
Each week on Turlington Plaza, a group of students participates in Testimonial Tuesdays and tell stories about how they became Christians, offering their message to anyone who wants to listen.
Police say he slapped one female and scratched another after they asked him to leave a party.
The Hindu Cultural Society's "Spring Charity Garba" featured four hours of Indian dancing and cultural celebration on Friday at the Reitz Union Rion Ballroom.
The Student Alliance party and the Unite Party have begun collecting donations for their campaigning efforts in the weeks leading up to Student Government elections.
Ilan Berman, the vice president of the American Foreign Policy Council, said the U.S. needs to start formulating policies to deal with the nuclear threat of Iran when he spoke to a crowd of about 30 students at the UF Hillel Thursday night.
It was a regal evening for nine women as Alpha Phi Alpha held its annual Miss Black & Gold Scholarship pageant Friday in the Reitz Union Grand Ballroom.
There were two items on the menu at the Great Animal Rights Debate Friday: vegetarian wraps on recyclable trays and Arby’s roast beef sandwiches.
Kasey Metzler sat in her kitchen with a strained voice and a nervous look in her eye. A moment 45 minutes in the future would determine the next four years of her life.
The rain couldn’t ruin their wedding day.
Ask the Student Alliance party why to vote for them, and they’ll give 70 reasons.
The Unite Party went back to the drawing board this election season.
Gainesville Mayor Pegeen Hanrahan said she has fond memories of the Thomas Center: She was married at the historic building in 2003.