UF to pay shooting victim with alumni donations
By MATT HARRINGER | Sep. 9, 2010UF has reached a settlement with shooting victim Kofi Adu-Brempong, but details of the deal remain confidential.
UF has reached a settlement with shooting victim Kofi Adu-Brempong, but details of the deal remain confidential.
Pastor Luke Jones clenches and unclenches his left fist as he sings, "Come. Now is the time to worship." His right hand dangles next to a loaded .40-caliber semi-automatic pistol.
Armed with video games and information, military officials took over the Reitz Union North Lawn Thursday to recruit college students to their cause.
A proposed gubernatorial debate at UF, scheduled for Oct. 4, has been canceled due to scheduling conflicts.
The dancing began even before the show itself as performers prematurely spilled into the aisles, throwing their hands up to DJ Khaled's "All I Do Is Win."
In a discussion that touched everything from stimulus dollars to college football, Rep. Kendrick Meek, D-Miami, spoke to a group of college reporters Wednesday in an attempt to woo a youthful demographic that he believes will be key to a November victory.
Directors of the Counseling and Wellness Center welcomed visitors to the grand opening of the new building Wednesday afternoon.
While Dove World Outreach Center is gaining national attention for its planned Quran burning, one UF student is quietly working to promote peace in Gainesville.
At least once during your educational career at UF, you’ve had one or will have one of those dreaded three-hour classes. Being trapped in those walls for longer than 50 minutes can put the mind into a zoned-out coma.
A recent UF graduate who was missing in Rio de Janeiro was found alive in a hospital Wednesday morning.
In a tribute to one of the world's richest religious traditions, UF Hillel hosted Rosh Hashanah celebrations Wednesday night.
Senators agreed to unanimously approve the 2011-2012 Activity and Service Fee Budget of about $16.7 million at their meeting Tuesday night.
On June 10, Thomas Maresco blogged about his excitement for the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, where he would root for the USA while serving as a Peace Corps volunteer.
Changes might be in store for UF’s approach toward handling campus threats, including increased attention to threatening or troubling behavior from faculty and staff members.
If you walked into UF’s West African Dance and Music class on Monday and Wednesday evenings, you’d see just what you’d expect — a class full of college students.
The browning, wilting leaves on the tree branches in the McCarty Hall courtyard foreshadow the end for the biggest avocado tree on campus.
On a day most students use to sleep in, about 20 students were on the Plaza of the Americas early Monday morning arranging this year’s memorial honoring the vicims of the Sept. 11 attacks.
Romantic literature tends to deal with the seedier things in life, but UF freshman Jamie Chute doesn’t see why her English professor needed to drop F-bombs in class.
Student volunteers raced across campus Sunday afternoon picking up trash as part of Alpha Phi Omega’s Campus Cleanup Extravaganza.
A UF building was evacuated Wednesday after smoke appeared on two if its floors.Around 2 p.m. students, faculty and staff, some who came out of the building and some onlookers, stood and watched as fire trucks and University Police cars arrived.