Florida coping with abrupt end to College World Series run
By JOE MORGAN | June 20, 2012Last week, Brian Johnson was not thinking about life after Omaha.
Last week, Brian Johnson was not thinking about life after Omaha.
Joe: Rewind to January 1, 2012. The ball has dropped in New York City, and I’m drinking champagne out of a plastic wine glass. A fortune teller — decked out in purple robes with a crystal ball — saunters over and tells me the Gators will win three national championships in the first six months of the year and that John Carter would be the box-office bust of 2012.
Stinnett, a 21-year-old UF political science senior, isn’t alone. According to a study released Monday, 15 percent of iPhone users would choose a sex-free weekend over giving up their phone for the same amount of time.
Student Body President Tj Villamil left this position open later than others, hoping that more people would apply. UF junior Stephen Davis was chosen.
The trek is Wheeler’s way of giving back to his church, St. Peter’s Anglican Church in Tallahassee, and raising money for the construction of its new building.
Bus service will be reduced during the weeklong break between Summer A and Summer B.
Melnichuk, who spent her teenage years in Brooklyn, N.Y., painted throughout high school. She was accepted to the School of Visual Arts, Savannah College of Art and Design and other well-known art schools, as well as waitlisted at Carnegie Mellon for physics.
The Gators were the last team to leave Omaha disappointed in 2011. In 2012, they are one of the first.
Chemical engineering sophomores Pearl Leung, 19, Michael Cornwell, 20, and Brittany Clendening, 19, planned a bus route to Lake Wauburg for a summer class project. They decided their proposal was worth more than a grade.
In a gentle act of kindness from the universe, I turned 21 last week. This fall signals the beginning of my last year here at UF.
The Obama administration said Friday it will grant a two-year protection from deportation to undocumented students who were brought to the United States before the age of 16 and allow them to apply for work permits.
The 21-year-old environmental science and political science senior officially entered the Florida Senate race on June 8 as the Democratic candidate for District 7.
Whitten, 4, was one of more than 200 people who participated in the World Sea Turtle Day Scavenger Hunt. The event, sponsored by the Sea Turtle Conservancy, was held at the Florida Museum of Natural History from noon to 4 p.m. Saturday.
At about 4 p.m., Gainesville Police Department and GFR responded to a call about a two-car accident at the 700 block of Northeast Eighth Avenue.
The UF Meat Processing Center sells retail meat out of the Department of Animal Sciences, 2250 Shealy Drive, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every Friday.
The cure for a type of cancer might just be in everybody’s gut.
On Tuesday the UF Student Ticket Office announced its plan to extend the lottery registration deadline from June 7 to June 22.
A 9-foot gator attacked James Albert Wimmer on Monday in a small creek inside the Sweetwater Branch section of Southeast 16th Avenue, also known as Tent City.
The University Minority Mentor Program is a transition program within Multicultural Diversity and Affairs. The program helps first-year undergraduate students in navigating the academic and social aspects of the university.
The program, TurboVote, also alerts students by sending email and text reminders about election deadlines. Students can then request absentee ballots from their local election authorities.