Research goes digital with ebooks
By Ariana Figueroa | Apr. 20, 2015UF’s top research has been compiled into easy-to-read nonfiction books.
UF’s top research has been compiled into easy-to-read nonfiction books.
After months of obsessively checking her email, Amber Todoroff was relieved to learn she earned a scholarship to attend graduate school at the University of Oxford next Fall.
Sometimes, when Juan Debiedma gets recognized, fans scream. Sometimes, they ask for an autograph. Sometimes, they just whisper “Hi, Hungrybox,” then walk away.
Despite a recent massacre April 2 at Garissa University College in Garissa, Kenya, that left 147 dead, the UF in Kenya study-abroad program is mostly concerned with buffalo sightings.
UF Online earned a new distinction among the nation’s online colleges.
It’s easy to forget about that $18 per credit hour that’s funneled to Student Government. But this past year’s executive ticket spent it — almost exactly the way they promised they would in their platform.
When I was an electrical engineering student, most of my classmates looked like me and thought like me. Companies have learned in recent decades that having a workforce that consists mostly of white male engineers narrows their perspective and limits their capacity to innovate. We have learned that organizations are more likely to be successful over the long term if their members contribute racial, cultural, gender, geographic and disciplinary breadth. Similarly, top universities increasingly have students and faculty who bring a rich tapestry of knowledge and understanding due to their different races, religions and numerous other areas of experience and perspective.
For many students, it began with what some now call the infamous checkbox.
Sandibel Miron made sure to binge-watch “House of Cards” before actress Robin Wright came to UF.
When UF student Xavier Moss took a high school career-evaluation test and the result was medical illustrator, he was intrigued.
UF’s goals have been made a priority for a new university task force.
In case you missed it, we published a five-part series this week exploring UF’s Innovation Academy, a program currently in its third year. Basically, students enrolled in the program go to school for the Spring and Summer semesters, as opposed to the traditional Fall and Spring. After hearing from several students who had both positive and negative things to say, we decided to look into five ways IA students are affected by the program: campus involvement, academics, pre-professional opportunities, finances and getting in and getting out.
While some internships lead to suits, briefcases and conference rooms, Natasha Collazos ended up at the Institute of Hispanic-Latino Culture, the home of her internship and upcoming art exhibition.
Nature will go virtual Saturday at the Florida Museum of Natural History’s Earth Day celebration.
In an emotional goodbye and inauguration meeting Wednesday night, Santa Fe College Student Senate swore in its new Leadership Team.
Innovation Academy has made space for 838 UF students since its inception — a small group in a school with about 50,000 students.
To prepare for a more peaceful future, we must remember the past.
When Raymond Chobaz waved his baton in the air, the symphony followed suit.
At 4 p.m. today, a tree dedication ceremony will be held on the UF Law West Courtyard. The ceremony will be held in honor of Judge Stephan P. Mickle, the first African-American to graduate from UF and the second to graduate from UF’s Levin College of Law.
To Yuri Blaise, experience is everything.