UF cutting number of transfer students it will admit
By ILEANA MORALES | Apr. 13, 2008UF will invite about 2,000 transfer students to enroll Tuesday - about 1,000 fewer than last year.
UF will invite about 2,000 transfer students to enroll Tuesday - about 1,000 fewer than last year.
Despite the Orange and Blue football scrimmage on Saturday and gray skies Sunday morning, about 400 people showed up to buy around $9,000 worth of plants, shrubs and flowers over the weekend at the annual Spring Plant Sale on campus.
While members of UF's online voting committee debated privacy concerns at their Sunday meeting, all agreed that online voting in Student Government elections would be cheaper than traditional ballots.
Members of the Gators football team paced the sidelines of UF's Norman Field on Sunday. They could only watch as a football flew from one end zone to the other. This time, it was not their game.
A UF official is calling for a review of the College of Medicine's dean's decision to admit a student over the objections of the selections committee and after he reportedly had not taken the standardized medical admissions examination.
Hundreds of carpoolers will be displaced in August when a new building breaks ground in the parking lot east of Criser Hall.
Most people are uncomfortable when others watch them eat. But that wasn't the case for the 250 adventurous taste testers who gave their palate a world tour on Wednesday night.
UF will bring Moe's Southwest Grill to campus in fall.
Members of a committee formed to investigate the possibility for online voting in Student Government elections were chosen last week and should provide recommendations by May 1.
Until they eat with Bernie, they won't eat at all.
Two UF dance troupes will share the spotlight on the small screen tonight competing on a BET dance show.
A loosely constructed booth, made of PVC pipe and covered by maroon cloth, sat quietly on the Plaza of the Americas on Wednesday. A small, white sign invited perplexed looks and slowed paces of passers-by with its one-word label: "Confessions."
After most students have left Gainesville for the summer this May and June, city commissioners plan to discuss changes that could impact their weekend nights.
When Diablo Cody was growing up, she wanted to be a butcher. But she settled for writing an Oscar-winning screenplay instead.
After a search complicated by budget cuts and administrative changes, Paul D'Anieri, an associate dean from the University of Kansas, was selected as the new dean for UF's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Sheldon Nagesh resigned from UF's Student Senate Tuesday night following weeks of debate over his qualifications to represent his district.
Billy Perez is a Guitar Hero machine.
In light of the country's economic troubles and the controversial war in Iraq, many students are seeking answers from an increasingly popular department: philosophy.
This summer, students will be able to know where their buses are without even venturing outside.
Construction of two new campus bus shelters and renovations to a popular parking lot are set to begin this summer.