Broken part in heating system leaves campus chilly
By Joey Flechas | Jan. 4, 2010Students are advised to wear a light jacket to class.
Students are advised to wear a light jacket to class.
A new building housing Subway and Jamba Juice will be built on the southwest corner of Turlington Hall, near where the UF Information Booth is located.
Students interested in receiving a degree in ceramics have to apply to get into the program as juniors, but the UF School of Art and Art History offers an introductory level ceramics class for nonmajor students.
A 19-year-old Tampa man visiting his friend at UF was trespassed from campus Tuesday after he was found sleeping in a residence hall assistant's room after urinating in the dorm hallway.
Zachary Merson paid homage to his girlfriend and his chocolate Labrador retriever Tuesday night through a performance that would have raised the eyebrows of Tupac and Biggie Smalls alike.
Maybe it’s because they work at the No. 2 party school in the nation, but UF’s library staff takes partying pretty seriously.
The UF Student Body has a graduation present for its beloved quarterback — a digital yearbook signed by his greatest admirers in the form of a new Web site.
After several weeks of debate, the Student Senate finally passed a resolution related to the conflict in the Middle East on Tuesday.
Students who like it fast and easy now have a Web site designed just for them.
There were 13 balloons floating around the Plaza of the Americas Tuesday, but nobody was celebrating.
“Heather’s favorite number is two. She has two eyes, two hands and two knees. She has two pets: her dog, Midnight, and her cat, Gingersnap. Heather also has two mommies: Mama Jane and Mama Kate.”
Throughout finals week, Santa Fe College students will be able to kick back and gaze at the stars between exams.
The 22-year-old telecommunications senior, who died Nov. 30 from cystic fibrosis, cracked jokes with classmates, served as a foster parent for animals and raised awareness for the disease that slowly took her life.
Members of Graduate Assistants United, a union that represents UF’s graduate assistants, are planning to speak at a the Board of Trustees meeting Friday. They will protest the addition of another fee to a growing list of student fees.
UF’s Intelligent Machines Design Laboratory students demonstrated their final projects at Monday’s Robot Demo Day at the Engineering Building, showing how college students with modest budgets can breathe life into metal and circuitry.
Harold Rocha trudged up 193 stairsteps to the top of Century Tower.
When Will Albury raps, he doesn’t talk about having loads of cash or driving lavish cars — he represents the orange and blue.
An estimated 15,000 people took a break from football to peruse the more than 200 booths at Craft Festival 2009 in the Stephen C. O’Connell Center on Saturday and Sunday.