New UF pregnancy program to center on group care
By Sean Doty | Feb. 23, 2015Pregnant women of North Florida can soon begin bonding with other women with similar delivery dates.
Pregnant women of North Florida can soon begin bonding with other women with similar delivery dates.
Students who missed the Freshman Leadership Council debate between Swamp Party and Access Party expressed concerns when they found out no video recording was available.
UF’s news station was recognized this year for its emergency preparedness.
Vedrana Damjanovic was the only UF student to attend a conference at Yale University.
Seventeen faculty members in the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences received research grants that will help young researchers kick-start their careers.
Construction of a food pantry for students in need may begin this summer.
Dozens of students gathered in the UF Levin College of Law’s Martin H. Levin Advocacy Center Courtroom on Monday to hear a story of wrongful conviction.
For students with visual impairments like Andrew Daugherty, Santa Fe College used to be much easier to navigate.
Elections for Student Government, including president, vice president and treasurer, begin today. Polls will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. at specific locations on campus; all that’s needed is, uh, you.
After a long season of campaigning, it’s finally time for you, the distinguished students of UF, to decide who you want to represent your university in Student Government. This semester has demonstrated how important it is for our party to continue to follow through on its promises and show how qualified we are to represent every student on this campus.
On Saturday, about 250 people gathered at the Whitehurst Lodge in Archer to feast on deer, elk, crickets and a variety of other wild beasts. The dinner is an annual fundraiser for the UF Wildlife Society.
This summer, the UF International Center is hosting its first university-sponsored study-abroad program to Cuba.
The UF Small Animal Hospital is the first facility in Florida to receive a top certification for its emergency and critical care facility from the Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society.
UF’s mock trial team, the Liti-Gators, once again landed at the top of a regional competition.
Gabrielle Heffernan didn’t always plan to pursue a career in architecture.
Various individuals, organizations and companies around Gainesville are fundraising to build a school for Deaf children in Qalqilya, Palestine.
UF alumni returned to Gainesville over the weekend to give local children a better place to play.
Students from all over the state gathered in Pugh Hall this past weekend for the Future of Florida Summit.