Graduate Assistants United asks for top 10 level wages
By Romy Ellenbogen | Sep. 27, 2017Graduate Assistants United celebrated UF’s top 10 status with party hats, candy and fliers asking for higher pay.
Graduate Assistants United celebrated UF’s top 10 status with party hats, candy and fliers asking for higher pay.
In the most contested Student Government election since Fall 2015, UF students elected a bipartisan Student Senate.
Dressed in her new charcoal gray suit and carrying 20 copies of her resume, Kristiana Caine prepared to meet with employers at UF’s biannual Career Showcase.
Despite the Student Government elections being the most contested since 2015, only about 300 more students voted than last Fall.
UF’s Challenge 2050 Project was just an idea in 2013.
As Shannon Moriarty searched for a place to study on campus, she was surprised to see the otherwise 24/7 Newell Hall closed.
On National Voter Registration Day, 68 UF students registered to vote.
Out of the 86 students who decided to run for a Student Government seat this Fall, only two are not running with a party.
Inspire Party President Ben Lima began a Student Government public forum Monday by criticizing Impact Party for not attending the event.
Carlota Bonnet didn’t expect herself to agree with President Donald Trump.
Peaches, pears, pancake mix and hygiene products were among the 36,000 pounds of food and supplies donations to arrive in Gainesville on Saturday for local Hurricane Irma victims.
A meme posted by a sitting Impact Party senator criticizing Inspire Party sparked a Facebook debate about Student Government on Thursday night.
In the most competitive election cycle since Fall 2015, 50 Student Senate seats are up for grabs.
Supporters of Albert and Alberta Gator can now use specialized emojis to communicate through social media and messaging.
To assist farmworkers in Apopka, Florida, students planted and cleaned debris under the hot sun, sweat dripping down their backs.
Adorned in rainbow-patched vests and face paint, about 50 Girl Scouts conducted science experiments at the Society of Women Engineers’ annual Girl Scout Day.
Some of UF’s top leaders competed for the title of Homecoming king and queen Sunday night, sharing advice and smiles with a crowd of about 400.
GatorWell will trade its chocolate for orgasmic cookies in a twist on their sexual education program.
To celebrate UF becoming a top-10 public university, UF President Kent Fuchs is hosting a trivia contest on Twitter.