Alachua County hopes vote-by-mail will protect voters and poll workers
By Tien Le | June 19, 2020Voters can request ballots online, through mail, phone or in-person
Voters can request ballots online, through mail, phone or in-person
The plot, located in a historically Black community, could be used for student luxury housing
Where to celebrate International Sushi Day in Gainesville
Incumbent Sadie Darnell and opponent Clovis Watson had an online discussion Tuesday
Gainesville bars had permission to reopen June 5
Ashley Mauger threatened to not take 911 calls seriously
Ian Milaski is scheduled to have a case management hearing Aug. 3
About 50,000 Floridians have gotten a medical marijuana card since January
A family of three stood together in a tight circle. Trenita White held an umbrella while her daughters, Joanna and Juanita, passed back and forth a cardboard sign that read “Black Lives Matter.” It ended at Joanna, who held it for the majority of the march.
Christopher Salamone taught social studies at Santa Fe High School for eight years
Karey Evan Gee was upset by a maintenance worker who took a photo of trash outside his apartment
John Clayton Golden allegedly fled a restaurant after police were called
Occupancy limits at restaurants, bars and entertainment venues are still 50 percent
Finley was known as an architect of the lynching culture in Northern Florida
A class action lawsuit has been filed against the College Board for violating the Americans With Disabilities Act
More than 50 other institutions are foregoing SAT and ACT testing requirements for Fall
Fifth Avenue Wall at Springhill project started 10 days ago and features a diverse group of muralists
More than 100 health professionals gathered in remembrance of Floyd
Resources given by the school district include the Safer, Smarter Kids initiative, meal distribution programs and counseling provided by school staff as well as the Alachua County
With a long list of requirements, some residents feel that ACPS’ graduation plans didn’t consider underprivileged students