Woman arrested after hitting husband with car
By Jenna Lyons | Jan. 8, 2014Alachua County Sheriff’s deputies arrested a local woman Wednesday morning after deputies said she hit her estranged husband with her car and chased him with a bat.
Alachua County Sheriff’s deputies arrested a local woman Wednesday morning after deputies said she hit her estranged husband with her car and chased him with a bat.
Alachua County Sheriff’s deputies used a Taser on a Newberry man early Wednesday after deputies said he refused to leave a Waffle House.
Gainesville Police arrested two brothers early Tuesday after police reported they fought local bar patrons and employees.
Almost half of black men are arrested during their teen and young adult years.
Gainesville Police arrested a local woman early Monday morning after police said she tried to headbutt an officer who pulled her over for drunk driving.
Paul Ramsuchit didn’t spend his New Year’s Eve as planned.
Thousands of UF students return to campus today for the new semester, but some had to come back to Gainesville without their loved ones.
A Gainesville2Go employee was arrested Friday after officers said he wrote $40,000 worth of fraudulent checks.
Gainesville Police arrested a local man Saturday night after officers said he hid cocaine in his boxers and marijuana in his pants.
Gainesville Police arrested a local man Saturday night after officers said he walked into an apartment complex, fired two shots in the air and threatened to shoot someone.
With the holidays comes a flurry of shoppers and, unavoidably, a greater risk of shoplifting and burglary.
Gainesville Police arrested a local man Tuesday who has been wanted on charges of robbing a local ice cream restaurant in late October.
A UF student was arrested after University Police reported she drunkenly head-butted and spit at emergency personnel Saturday night near Library West.
The UF-FSU game brought about more arrests and ejections than any other home game so far this season. It also brought some brawls, including a post-game fight involving an FSU fan and his machete.
Gainesville Police arrested a local man Saturday afternoon after officers reported he threatened a man with a baseball bat and a toy gun.
Two shoplifters were arrested Monday afternoon after they attacked an employee and led police officers on a chase through Butler Plaza.
One bouncer’s shift turned into a chase across UF’s campus this weekend after police reported an Ocala man stole more than $1,000 in cover charges.
Gainesville Police arrested five people after an undercover prostitution sting Friday.
Brittnie Baker binge-watched “Orange Is The New Black” on Netflix in two days. She has run a half marathon, traveled to 13 countries and knows almost every word to “Legally Blonde.”
Local agencies collaborated with a U.S. Marshals task force to catch a man Tuesday who had an outstanding arrest warrant in Gainesville.