In response to Jack Davis's guest column Monday, I must say that I could not agree more. As a student within the Department of History, I see firsthand how the budget crisis affects things at every level. Classrooms lack dry-erase markers for the white boards. In one class, our midterms had to be printed on thirds of sheets of paper.
Then comes President Machen with his enormous bonus preaching the need to stay the course and stay committed to being a top 10 university. How does hiring a state senator who doesen't have a Ph.D., at a salary greater than professors with a Ph.D., make much sense to anyone?
I applaud Davis for standing up and speaking out. Maybe it's time for the administration to take their own advice and take one for the team. Maybe Machen should take that bonus and give it to the teachers and staff that truly make this university great, because right now he doesn't look like he deserves it.