The Office of Graduate Minority Programs is expecting a name change in the near future.
The word “minority” will be removed from the name and replaced with “diversity.”
“The name change has been talked about for a number of years,” said David W. Mazyck, interim associate dean for graduate minority programs. “I’m not thinking five or 10 years ahead, I’m thinking how this name will work 50 years down the line when there is no minority because the minority is the majority.”
Mazyck said the new vision for the office will be presented this month.
But some students are wary about the new name and the changes it could bring.
Janine Parker, a second-year doctoral candidate in international extension, agriculture, said she doesn’t understand why the name change is necessary.
She said she fears the new name will cause discrepancies among students.
“It will affect the new graduate minority students who don’t know about the office,” Parker said. “They might not readily identify as diverse since the term leaves room for ambiguity.”
Mazyck said nothing is changing in structure, they are just looking to enhance the office and the services offered.
Chris Weaver, a second-year doctoral candidate in public policy and statistics, said as long as the office continues to offer the same programs, he supports the name change.
A version of this story ran on page 5 on 10/1/2013 under the headline "Minority office to change name"