A hairbrush, a medium-sized pouch jam-packed with make-up, body spray, a sweater and an extra pair of sunglasses to keep the outfit interesting throughout the day. Believe it or not, these are things people carry on them daily.
During summer, when you’re hitting the beach and then a friend’s house, and maybe going out to dinner right afterward, it is not smart to lug around half of your possessions.
Many women pack unnecessary beauty and feminine hygiene products because they believe they have to maintain a certain presence at all hours of the day, which can get exhausting and heavy.
Well ladies, you don’t need all of that crap. Here are the essential items you should be packing this summer that will come in handy and will keep your bag light and comfortable for all the adventures you encounter.
1. Wallet
Obviously you need to bring those hard-earned dollar bills, but since we’re keeping it light, a small wallet is best. Pick out coin purse that will fit the basics: some cash, your frequently used credit cards, an ID and maybe a business card or two because who knows if you’ll encounter a career opportunity.
2. Keys
This is elementary: car keys and house keys. What other keys could you need at this age? Maybe a little key chain to distinguish whose keys they are, but you’re not a janitor, so leave all the extra keys at home to avoid an unladylike jingle.
3. Lip balm or a nice lipstick
If you’re going to pack any make up, make it one of these two. Not both, because that leads to pack-ratting, and that’s exactly what you’re trying to avoid. Keep your smackers presentable with you’re favorite lipstick in a summer shade like bright pink or awesome orange, or some flavored lip balm.
4. Notebook and pen
These are listed together because one doesn’t make sense without the other. A small notebook, like a moleskin, and a basic pen are golden if you run into a cute boy (or girl) or if you have a possible business encounter. You always have to keep your eye on the prize. Although most of us write down notes on our phones, a simple paper and pen can make for a time-killing game of tic-tac-toe.
5. Sunnies
Sunglasses are a must in the summer. They are a great accessories piece, they shield your eyes from the sun and most importantly sunglasses are an invisibility cape of sorts providing the liberty to check out attractive specimens. It doesn’t matter if you pick out a heart-shaped pair, some aviators or cool wayfarers. Make sure you love them because you will be using them.
6. Phone
You know you can’t live without it. When you’re running out to your activities this summer, don’t forget your life-line.
7. Pill box
A small container that has enough room for an Ibuprofen (Advil or Midol), an allergy medication and maybe a few breath mints can easily prevent uncomfortable situations. These can be found anywhere from CVS to Francesca’s Collection and fit in just about any purse.
8. Rubbers
Ladies, let’s get serious. A woman who carries condoms inside her purse is not a slut. Don’t ever let anyone make you feel ashamed of being a mature, prepared sexually active individual. Life happens, and it’s better to be protected as it is happening, than to end up with... well a situation. Carry those condoms proudly.
9. Pepper spray
Another, less sexy way to be prepared and protected is with some fresh Mace. Cases come in a variety of colors, and it can save your life, so don’t hesitate to pack these little ones whether you’re going out to the movies, out to the club or even just to grab some coffee.
10. Confidence
The most important thing to remember when leaving the house is your confidence. Confident, happy people are much more attractive than those with a sour personality and low self-esteem. This summer, whether you’re heading to the beach, out with friends or getting hit on by a cutie, embrace it all with confidence and a positive attitude because that’s all you really need.