A recent ranking suggest looking for love is easier in Gainesville than in New York, Chicago and Los Angeles.
The Daily Beast named Gainesville the second best city to find a date in 2012.
Rankings were based on three factors: available singles, dating costs and mental and physical health.
The final calculation also included Google trends results measuring the popularity of dating sites in each city.
Research showed 73 percent of men and 75 percent of women in Gainesville are single. The median salary for a single person is $20,863 and the average movie ticket costs $8.86.
Gainesville may be high on the list, but some students disagree with the website's ranking.
Will Smith, a 22-year-old food and resource economics senior, said the results of the data have nothing to do with the dating pool in Gainesville.
"Gainesville is the worst place to find a date, but the best place to hook up," Smith said. "When I say hook up, that doesn't mean bringing the girl on a date first."
Christopher Fadeley, a 22-year-old computer engineering senior, disagrees.
He has a girlfriend.
"It's a good combination of college kids, locals and a bunch of good places to go out, " he said.