Michelle Hipps, perhaps you should stop taking yourself so seriously and realize that Facebook is a form of entertainment.
The "25 things about me" lists are a little silly, but where is the real harm in it? I made a 25 list because I wanted to, not because I feel a desperate need for attention or because I think my life should be commented on by the masses.
Nobody obligates you to respond to the lists, and Facebook probably has a setting that allows you to remove the notes from your alerts. The assumption that everybody who made a list is some self-absorbed, vapid waste of space is fairly extreme.
For the record, I volunteer every Friday from 4 to 7:30 a.m. making breakfast for labor-pool workers on the east side of Gainesville. It's one of the parts of my week that I enjoy most because I come into contact with people vastly different from myself.
There's even a Facebook group for it.