We’re here to serve you.
The Alligator is the largest student-run newspaper in the United States, and we won’t stop anytime soon.
We do our best to fully represent the university and the City of Gainesville by covering news that is most important to the area. We were your source of information throughout the search for Christian Aguilar, and we will follow the subsequent trial of Pedro Bravo as closely as we can.
Our paper is the place for journalism students to submit their stories and hope that the extra credit is enough to soften the blow of final grades.
We provide crossword and Sudoku puzzles for you to finish between, or during, your classes each day. We don’t want to say “You’re welcome.” Instead, we’d like to say “Thank you.”
Thank you to everyone who voted to save our racks, an initiative that meant very little to some in the Student Government world but meant very much to us.
Thank you to everyone who submitted a guest column or a letter to the editor this semester, because it shows our readers just how diverse and unique our community is.
Thank you to everyone who picked up our paper because of a cool photo featured on our front page, as our photography team works as diligently as our staff writers to inform and entertain you.
Thank you to everyone in the UF and Gainesville community for continuing to be a vibrant culture that we are honored to cover every day.
Thank you to everyone who, with a regained fervor, pored over the Sports section as the Florida Gators football team finally shook off that nasty breakup from years ago.
We’re here to serve you. Without your help or input, this paper would not succeed. If there’s something we can improve upon, please tell us. If there’s something we do that you like or appreciate, let us know that, too.
Everyone does better with a little feedback every now and then. Our goal is to represent our city and university to the best of our abilities, but we can’t do it without your help.
Continue to submit your stories and work with our editors. Don’t stop commenting on our articles, whether on our website or on our section Facebook pages.
Write a column or a letter if you have something to get off your chest; it’s how we found out about the feral cat problem on campus.
You are the bumpers on the bowling lane of newspaper production. You correct us when we do something wrong, but you also help us nail our targets.
This is our last newspaper of the semester, and we couldn’t have done it without you.
In the meantime, study hard and finish this semester on a high note. And remember, Trader Joe’s is going to open in just a couple of weeks, which is the best holiday treat of them all.
Check our orange racks for new issues when the Spring semester starts.