This spring, on-campus residents will pay a midyear increase in rent.
As the president of the Inter-Residence Hall Association (IRHA), the student organization that works year-round to represent residents to the Department of Housing and all other parts of UF, I can say that the article in Tuesday's Alligator was not the first time residents have heard about this, despite some who thought otherwise.
Norb Dunkel, director of housing, spoke to IRHA in October about this very likely increase.
IRHA leaders asked questions and gave feedback to the department on the increase, and I want to thank Dunkel for being so direct with residence hall leaders on this very sensitive matter.
With the recent increases in utilities, even with maintaining our current utilities use, costs will soar after January. Salary increases, wage increases and administrative costs to UF will affect rent increases for next year as well.
These increases make living situations more difficult, but as I have seen in the past, I know the housing department will work closely with IRHA to make sure residents fare well.
If you have any concerns about the rental rate increase or anything else, IRHA meetings are at 6:15 p.m. on Mondays, and all are welcome.