Innovative vending machines on campus are helping busy students go green.
The organic, kosher, vegan and gluten-free snacks from the 2bU vending machines were brought to UF last year. Because of their success, more 2bU vending machines could be scattered around campus.
The machines are working well with students, said Mike Chambers, an assistant at UF Business Services Division.
Chambers said UF is looking to add more machines to campus, but it is a matter of available space.
He credits the success of the machines to recent cultural attitudes about food.
“I think there’s a trend toward people eating healthier,” Chambers said.
To promote this trend, the machines include an LCD screen so customers can view additional nutritional information about the snacks. The machines also use technology to maximize energy efficiency, including LED lighting and motion sensor dimmers when customers are not present, according to the company’s website.
Andrea Likens, a UF telecommunication senior, said she purchases from 2bU machines once a week. She also said the items in the machines are healthier and better than the snack foods from regular machines.
Still, all these benefits come at a price.
“It’s definitely on the more expensive side,” said Shannon Brady, a UF anthropology junior. “I’m assuming because it’s healthier.”
Vending items are priced from $1.75 to $3.
Items in traditional vending machines on campus are priced from 60 cents to $2.50.
A version of this story ran on page 8 on 11/18/2013 under the headline "UF could get more all-natural vending machines on campus"