Kudos to Kyle Cox on his commentary regarding UF student Andrew Meyer. Thank you for covering many points the media failed to address during their biased audio clips. Anyone who has viewed the full-length videos of the incident would have to admit there were multiple non-forceful steps taken prior to Tasering Meyer. These steps, although unsuccessful, included asking him to step away from the microphone, turning the microphone off, attempting to peacefully escort him out, attempting to secure and handcuff him and warning him prior to Tasering. The video also showed at the time of the Tasering, Meyer's left arm not secured behind his back, but rather stretched out where he was using it to brace himself in a clear attempt to resist arrest.
As a staff member here at UF, I acknowledge that part of my responsibility is to ensure the well-being and safety of not only our student body but our guests. Meyer's violent behavior placed others around him at risk. University Police Department officers responded by doing their job.
We live in a post-Columbine, post-Virginia Tech era, where tragedies occur without warning with far worse outcomes than Meyer getting shocked.
Bottom line, Meyer broke the law, resisted arrest, and put others in harm's way. It is a UF policy to not tolerate disruptive behavior. I support the quick and appropriate actions taken by UPD to subdue this disruptive student.