What does it mean to be an American? If you ask Kole Odutola, being a U.S. citizen isn’t enough.
“Is carrying an American passport all one requires to be an American?” he asked.
Odutola, a UF professor in the languages, literatures and cultures department, is originally from Nigeria. He discussed his book, “Diaspora and Imagined Nationality,” as part of a dialogue on nationalism at the Civic Media Center Tuesday evening. Eight people attended the event.
Odutola, who has studied nationalism for nearly eight years, researched how Nigerians define themselves for his doctorate. dissertation. Although his research focused on Nigerians, he said it can be applied to any country.
“I expect this work to be used and applied in the American system,” he said.
Odutola said he believes citizens need to learn what nationalism really means before they can call a country their own.
“The concepts of nationhood, nationality and nationalism demand deep reflection,” he said.
He believes citizens should educate themselves, know their rights and strive for excellence. He said young people should put in as much energy as possible toward understanding their heritages and cultures.
“Students should be proud of their output,” he said.
Jane Pollack, a 21-year-old Santa Fe College dance student, said she heard about the event at a Nigerian Independence Day party. She thinks people need to keep their minds open to the full meaning of nationalism.
“I really enjoy talking with people about this stuff,” she said. “I’m always interested in how people create their own culture.”