Between our business and social lives, our cell phones have become as attached to our hands as the skin on our palms. We FaceTime more than we have actual face-to-face time, tweet more than birds chirp and our ears perk up like a German Shepherd’s at the softest “beep, beep, beep.”
Get the most out of your relationship with your phone by taking advantage of apps that can help you achieve your fitness, nutritional and spiritual goals. Your iPhone will now be your iTeacher, iDietician and iGuru. iLike the sound of that.
Fitness Buddy
Tell your gym buddy to move over because Fitness Buddy is your new workout partner. This app allows you to customize your workouts based on body parts, and pictures accompany descriptions that help you to visualize exercises instead of trying to figure out the concept. In this exercise encyclopedia, you can look up exercises easily as they are organized by body part. Switch up your workouts by choosing strength training routine variations based on beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. This app also lets you pump up the jams with its built in music player. With a fitness buddy like Fitness Buddy, you’ll never hit a plateau again.
Deepak Chopra’s 21-Day Meditation Challenge
With benefits like improved memory and decreased anxiety, meditation is sweeping the nation. Ready to get your relaxation on but not sure where to start? Ease into a daily meditation practice with Deepak Chopra’s 21-Day Meditation Challenge. Each day holds a different intention in a meditative practice guided by Deepak Chopra or one of his apprentices. Once a day, plug in your headphones, close your eyes and slip into a peaceful state. By the end of the three weeks, you’ll be “om-ing” to a different tune.
Couch to 5K
Go from couch potato to marathon runner in nine weeks with the help of this app. Couch to 5K helps you build up stamina when you follow its running program designed to improve your endurance. Three times a week, follow a narrated running program that incorporates walking, jogging and sprinting at intervals. Track your runs and observe your improvement. Goodbye television, hello finish line!
You’ve decided you want to start a new fitness regimen, and you’re ready to try out activity trends you keep on hearing about. There’s only one problem: You don’t know where to go to take these classes. MINDBODY finds yoga, pilates and group fitness classes in your area. The app also tells you how far away the studio is and allows you to book your spot in advance on your phone. Consider this app your fitness secretary.
Are you eating right and exercising but still feel lethargic, bloated and just not yourself? A new nutritional trend is the eating right for your blood type. This diet states that different foods are beneficial, neutral or detrimental to different blood types. With Diet4Blood, transition into the lifestyle easily. Choose your blood type, choose your food group and find out what foods are advantageous to your overall health. Give it a try!