A bill to reform Student Government election codes was absent from the Student Senate agenda Tuesday night after being held last week.
Senators were confused about who would hear the bill. The author, Sen. Morgan Vollrath, thought it would be discussed by the Senate on Tuesday.
However, Senate President Christina Bonarrigo said she thought the bill was to be held for the temporary committee that would reform election codes.
At last week’s meeting, Bonarrigo announced her plan to form the temporary committee.
The committee has not been established yet because she is still looking for members.
Senators listened to last week’s audio recording to determine when the bill would be heard again.
The bill, which made campaigning codes more specific, is expected to be on next week’s meeting agenda. It includes more strict language regarding individual actions during campaigns.
“I expect my bill to be back on the agenda next week,” he said. “I’m giving them a chance to do it right.”
The Senate also unanimously approved three bills Tuesday night. One bill removed the second-year classification requirement of the two law students required to serve on the Election Commission, and two bills called for at least 48 hours notice for executive cabinet and supervisor of election appointments.
Contact Colleen Wright at cwright@alligator.org.