Let's talk about sex, baby.
Jay Friedman, a certified sex educator, will shed light on the subject and related taboo topics, including "blue balls" and homophobia, tonight at the Reitz Union Auditorium.
Sponsored by the Reitz Union Board, Friedman will give what he deemed an educational, entertaining and provocative presentation at 8 p.m.
He'll cover serious topics such as conditions to meet before having sex, but he'll also offer lighthearted tips for increasing pleasure while wearing a condom and share techniques for romance.
Although a lot of people think of the U.S. as open-minded, the country has been stagnant on sex education, Friedman said.
Compared to Europe, Friedman said the U.S. is backward because the country allows religion to affect public and educational policies.
For example, the government supports abstinence-only education, he said. Condom commercials are not allowed on prime-time television, and pharmacists have the right to deny sale of condoms or birth control.
After experiencing an unexpected teenage pregnancy and realizing he didn't know as much as he thought he did, Friedman made sex education his focus.
Friedman said he hopes the presentation will get students talking to each other and their partners about sex.
"Not everyone should like and agree with everything that's said," he added. "The beauty is to debate and discuss issues."