“What you don’t know can’t hurt you.”
This idiom is stupid.
Generation-Y has been termed as the age of entrepreneurs, the ones who will change the infrastructure of jobs and the future of the world.
In the wise words of Spider-Man’s Uncle Ben, “With great power comes great responsibility.”
When it comes to health and environmental sustainability, the scientific terms thrown around the media can get confusing. Mainstream media only relays what the experts tell them, and unfortunately there is not one, solid answer to solve all of the world’s problems. But, it’s important to educate yourself. Learn about your own well-being, health and sustainability. It is, after all, the body you live in and the air you breath; just, you know, the foundation of life. Here are a few things to read and contemplate to give you a better understanding to Shape Up and Save Our Environment.
1. US News and World Report: “Fit and Green: Shed Pounds, Help Save the Earth”
Use this Walk vs. Drive Calculator to figure how much money you are saving by choosing to be physically active instead of driving. http://www.usnews.com/science/environment/features/walk-vs-drive-calculator
2. The Meat Industry: What’s the issue? And why is nothing being done to decrease the production?
“Obama’s 5 Biggest Sellouts to the Meat Industry”
3. Food quality: What’s a GMO? Watch here to find out why it’s hurting your body and how it’s hurting the environment. http://oracletalk.com/hard-hitting-gmo-report-ever-aired-mainstream-media/
To learn more: There’s a documentary called “GMO OMG” illustrating in depth the health of our planet. Watch the trailer and learn more here: http://gmofilm.com/default.aspx
*If you want to explore more articles and issues being raised about U.S. food, farms and our environment, visit the Center for Food Safety here: http://www.centerforfoodsafety.org/
Local Gainesville Farmers Market Information:
1. Union Street Farmers Market in Downtown Gainesville, every Wednesday 4 to 7 p.m. Website: http://unionstreetfarmersmkt.com/
2. Haile Farmers Market in Haile Plantation Village off Tower Road, every Saturday 8:30 a.m. to noon
Website: http://www.hailefarmersmarket.com/