With the presidential election around the corner, UF's political groups have seen increased activity and participation on campus.
The UF College Republicans and the College Democrats have grown recently with dozens of new participants for the Republicans and over 100 for the Democrats.
Gators for McCain and Gators for Obama, the subsidiary groups of their respective political parties, have caused this increase because of the upcoming presidential election on Nov. 4, according to representatives from both organizations.
"A lot of political theories suggest that younger people, and students included, are just not that involved in the political process," said Sharon Austin, UF associate professor of political science. "From what I've seen on campus recently that simply isn't true any longer."
Each student group planned different events to promote their cause.
Gators for Obama staged a flash mob - a public demonstration where members carry signs and come together and disperse quickly - on Turlington Plaza. The Gators for McCain traded Obama buttons for candy in Plaza of the Americas the first two weeks of fall semester.
Bryce Cleborne, a UF political science junior, attended the first UF College Republicans meeting this semester where he said the attendance had almost tripled from the usual 15 people of previous semesters.
A recent Gators for Obama meeting packed a room meant for 160 people, forcing people to sit or stand in the aisles. About 120 people stayed for the College Democrats meeting afterward, said Mark McShera, editorial chair for the organization.
"I think we've shown some impressive growth," he said.