Florida's 11 universities may soon face more specific performance goals that could help guide the state's funding decisions.
The Florida Board of Governors, the State University System's highest governing body, will vote Thursday on whether to create a contract system between the state and state universities, said Bill Edmonds, spokesman for the board.
Edmonds said the project, known as Forward by Design, would allow the board to know what specific goals each university is working on. The board will expect them to complete the goals for financial rewards.
Goals include reaching set enrollment or graduation rates.
The contract will let the universities know they have the board's full support, and it would ensure the board would provide institutions with resources they need, he said.
Other universities around the country, such as the University of Texas, have already had success with similar contracts with their state legislatures, he said.
Edmonds said the board would hammer out the details of Florida's program and each school's goals later.
The board will also vote on a code of ethics to govern student loans, he said.
Florida universities haven't had many concerns with the ethics of their loan companies, Edmonds said. However, Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum asked the board to draft a code of conduct anyway.
Edmonds said the board is expected to approve the proposals.