With the Writers Guild of America strike still in full swing, TV viewers are starting to feel the effects. Yeah, we've gotten by in the past few weeks with the holidays to distract us, but now that they're over we're left itching for a fix. So while we wait for a resolution to the strike, here are some fun alternatives for all you TV lovers:
1. Catch up on all the shows you've been meaning to watch but haven't had the time.
So you've got a list of shows you've been dying to get into, but for whatever reason, you haven't been able to watch. Well, now is your chance, so borrow your friend's sets of "24" and "The Office." No commercials, no breaks and you get to watch at your own pace. It's like an online lecture except you want to watch it.
2. Watch shows that have already ended and are available on DVD.
Get yourself a present with all the gift cards you racked up over the holidays and enjoy any of the newly (or previously) defunct shows like "Seinfeld" and "Alias." And if you didn't have premium cable, now is your chance to watch "The Sopranos" or "Six Feet Under" and know what everyone was talking about seven years ago.
3. Rewatch your favorite TV shows.
If you're like me, you can watch your favorite shows over and over. So rent or buy your favorite show, sit back, relax and remember why you fell in love with "Friends" in the first place.
4. Replace TV time with movie time.
Hit up your local video rental place or sign up for Netflix instead of channel surfing your night away. Set a goal. Try to watch IMDB.com's top 250 movies. It's a great way to see some of the good ones you might not have come across otherwise.
5. Turn off the TV.
Go outside. We live in Florida. There's no ice, sleet or snow and you have resolutions to keep, right? No? Want to stay inside with "Rock of Love" and a tub of ice cream? Cool.