There are a couple of things in life that I will never understand. For instance, why is Jwoww and Snooki a TV show, and who decided dressing like your grandpa was considered fashionable for college guys? My questions may never be answered and just when I think my generation had hit its lowest point, it finds a way to dig a deeper hole.
House music and dubstep or whatever genre of music is heard at every club and college bar nowadays is becoming depressing. Music is a form of art and you can criticize certain genres of music such as country or rap or even “screamo”, but at least you can find some redeeming quality in each of these types of music because each one requires a certain writing skill and voice pitch.
House music confuses me. Anytime I have ever asked someone to explain the appeal of it all I get from him or her ism, “The experience is amazing.” I can see how noise can appeal to our senses especially if it’s soothing; however, the music coming from DJs who mix house music or “dubstep” tracks can sound a lot like a headache coming on, which is why I think people have to take ecstasy before seeing a show.
I am not trying to be cynical about this, but really where does the form of art take place in this kind of music? Are we really calling someone who presses keys on their computer an artist now?
The price to go to an electronic dance music festival is around $300 per person. I know the experience may be worth the price if you think seeing fog machines and laser shows is worth $300. I went to an EDM show for free last summer to see Digitalism, two German DJs who simply use their Mac Books for their performance equipment. Every now and then they would press the space bar on their computer and bob their heads and that was pretty much it. Their show also had blinding red and blue cop lights and an unnecessary amount of fog that had me wishing I had been intoxicated with something. Needless to say the show could have ended faster than it did, but now I understand why ecstasy is just as important at EDM shows as beer is at a tailgate.
I would like to hear people’s thoughts on this especially because there is a big EDM scene in Gainesville. Maybe there is more to house music than lights that cause epileptic seizures and DJs just hitting a play button.