Santa Fe College Student Senate approved two overflow requests then reviewed and approved other bills Wednesday.
Senators approved a $4,515 overflow request by Sen. Patriel Stapleton to purchase 70 calculators for students to borrow from Student Life.
“We are going to be making an impact on so many students’ lives,” Senate Secretary Matthew Fernandez said.
Senators also approved a $313.92 request by Santa Fe Gamers. The club will spend the money on food for its upcoming event.
Senators reviewed and approved multiple bills by Senate President Jeremy Pierce and Student Body President Austin Browning.
Pierce’s bills included one that updated the Student Government’s constitution to abide by the 2014 Florida statutes; one that required At-Large and Academic Senators to attend 85 percent of Senate meetings; one that updated the outline for hiring, evaluating and removing SG directors; and one that made it a requirement for the chief justice, or someone appointed by him or her, to publish an opinion on a judicial review within 10 business days.
Browning’s bills both laid out the fundraising director’s and the community outreach director’s duties in the SG constitution.
Senators also approved a bill by Sen. Connor Levine that changed the members of the committee responsible for selecting the SG events chair and finance chair.
[A version of this story ran on page 5 on 4/2/2015 under the headline “SFC Senate approves budget requests, bills for leadership”]