Journalists might not have good hiring prospects, but they could have worse jobs — four, to be exact.
Newspaper reporter was ranked 196 out of 200 on’s 2012 jobs ranking. Last year, it was No. 188.
The only worse jobs were oil rig worker, enlisted military soldier, dairy farmer and — No. 200 — lumberjack.
The rankings were based on work environment, stress, income, physical demands and hiring outlook.
UF journalism professor Norman Lewis said criticism against newspaper reporters isn’t new. It can be applied to any field, he said, especially other “helping professions,” such as teaching and social work.
Lewis, who worked in newspapers for more than 25 years, changed his major to journalism from computer science during college, even though the latter would have paid more.
He said reporters help people govern themselves, sift through falsehoods and lead better lives.
But Lawrence Chan, 19, a journalism and English freshman, said he could understand the ranking and doesn’t plan to go into newspapers. He hates the deadlines and hectic hours but thinks the degree is versatile.
Journalism freshman Marisa Ross, 19, said she’s heard criticism in the past but thinks reporters don’t get enough respect.
“Journalism is a necessary field,” she said. “Reporters will always be needed.”
The top five jobs, according to the website, were software engineer, actuary, human resources manager, dental hygenist and financial planner.