Gainesville citizen Ramon Trujillo was "tickled pink" at the reception of his comments by Gainesville/s Community Development Committee meeting Monday night.
Following citizen complaints, including those by Trujillo, the committee discussed growth management issues and landlord licensing fees.
"These are nuts and bolts tasks planned on a municipal level," said Trujillo. "Although those elected steer the meeting, representation from the community can give input."
According to Assistant City Manager Fred Murry, Gainesville doesn/t have the authority to charge licensing fees on multiple-family units of five or more families because this authority belongs to the Division of Hotels and Restaurants.
The licensing fee discussion was deferred until the next meeting scheduled Aug. 24, because Commissioner Scherwin Henry who handled the issue was absent. The committee also addressed the need for new sidewalks in eastside communities, creating more sewage outlets in newly developed areas, quality control checks on redevelopment projects and enhancing transportation services such as RTS.