This is a response to Friday's column "Presidential election could determine economic future of U.S."
While Mr. Legel correctly points out that the U.S. financial system is in turmoil, the solution he proposes does little to address the issues facing the economy.
The next president will not solve our financial crisis.
In my opinion, the root of the problem lies in how we perceive our economic system. Our Founding Fathers believed in free and open markets and opposed any form of socialism or government control over such markets.
Today, our government has been undermining these principles by selectively bailing out corporations that the bureaucrats in Washington deem essential to the health of our financial system.
Whatever happened to economic Darwinism and survival of the fittest? If a company makes bad financial decisions, then let it fail. Don't bail it out with taxpayers' money.
Both Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. John McCain favor an expansion of government power over the economy, so who am I to vote for in this upcoming election? Ross Perot?