In response to "Board evaluating evolution," I would like to urge all religious conservatives to allow for the evolution of their religions.
There is more evidence for evolution than there is for creationism, which, frankly, is only hearsay.
Let's face it - the world changes, technology changes, science changes and, as such, religion should develop.
I don't understand how someone adapts to the changing world and simultaneously refuses to add to his or her religious beliefs. A belief in evolution shouldn't negate God.
It took long enough for the church to accept that the world isn't flat, but it finally came around, didn't it?
There are schools that have a religious association.
It is in those schools - and those only - that creationism or other religious theories should be taught.
By teaching creationism, you are also enforcing the Bible, which should never be applied to a public scenario for purposes of freedom of religion.