Michelle Smith, a 20-year-old UF health science sophomore, and Christine Marino, a 21-year-old UF health education and behavior junior, talk to Joseph Buss, a 19-year-old UF economics sophomore, during Alpha Epsilon Delta’s “Every Gator Counts” event. The pre-health honor society passed out 400 paper bags holding anonymous stories of AED members’ struggles with mental illness to let students know they’re not alone.
By Morgan Waters | 8:39pmStudy Buddies offered at Marston and Library West on Wednesday, Feb. 26th, 2025.
By Morgan Waters | 8:39pmStudy Buddies offered at Marston and Library West on Wednesday, Feb. 26th, 2025.
By Morgan Waters | 8:39pmStudy Buddies offered at Marston and Library West on Wednesday, Feb. 26th, 2025.